Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ten things I learned on my first run overseas

1. There are more pastry shops in Madrid than cupcake shops in DC. And I intend to try every single one of them.

2. My GPS watch officially works abroad. At first I was unsure because it was taking forever to load.. and my madre's sister was standing on her porch waiting for me to take off. I didn't know how to say "Sorry,  I'm standing with my arm out. My GPS watch isn't loading the satellite" in Spanish, and I was getting embarrassed... so I just started running, but eventually it all loaded.

3. When I see other joggers, I should jog on the same path as them. Not the dinky side one that leads to the sandbox.

4. Though it may seem like no one is awake on Sundays, it's because everyone is at the park.

5. Metric systems means laps around the park are only 1 km instead of 1 mile. But they label every 100 meters, anddd the track is flat and kinda squishy, so it will be perfecto for speed training.

6. Dad, you'll be happy to hear -- The park labels all the different types of trees just like Vandyland.

7. Spanish boys still hit on you even if you are running away. At one point two boys came up and started jogging on either side of me even though they were wearing jeans and massive coats.

8. Eavesdropping is a great way to improve my Spanish.

9. The weather here is fantastico! If it stays like this I might not even have to whip out my beloved headband.

10.  Athens isn't the only place jaywalking is frowned upon.


  1. this post just made me happier than anything! i went on my first sunday run alone today and it was so sad. i wish i could be going on these amazing spain runs with you! 1. im so glad our GPS watches are going global! 2. look at you already snagging those spanish boys. 3. story of my lifeee in copenhagen with pastry shops. the states are definitely lacking those. want to open a pastry shop?

    im not sure i have a "profile" so im going to post my comment as "anonymous" but clearlyyy this is bit bit! :)

  2. bahahaha. Número 7 es mi favorito. jajaja. :) No debes correr lejos de los chicos! TE EXTRAÑO MUCHÍSIMO!
