Yet this observation did not soften the shock when I saw ham-flavored potato chips in the vending machine at school. After wards, I realized.. meat-flavored chips are everywhere! They stock the shelves of snack stores on literally every corner of Madrid.
This experience is about trying new things, so I decided to embrace Spanish junk food and to taste a couple meat-flavored munchies. Here are my reviews...
Ruffles, sabor a Jamón
Información nutricional:
Energía 165kcal
Azúcares 1,0g
Grasas 10,4g
Grasas Saturadas 4,7g
Sodio 0,2g
(Note that Spaniards use commas where we use decimal points. Can be very confusing, especially at the ATM!)
My first thought upon eating this was "This is exactly what I imagine dog treats would taste like." But they were actually pretty good! They taste a lot like bacon, which makes sense because it's super salty ham.
Cheetos, sabor Hot Dog

Información Nutricional:
Energía 64kcal
Azúcares 0,5g
Grasas 6,2g
Grasas Saturadas 0,8g
Sodio 0,2g
In a weird way, I actually kind of like these. I don't know how to describe the taste except that they actually do taste like little mini-hot dogs. I intended on only eating a couple to try them and then throwing them away, but I'm going to finish the whole bag. I mean it's only 64 calories! They are very puffy with light seasoning -- virtually no residue on my fingers as one gets with normal Cheetos. There are overtones of mustard and ketchup in the taste. It's like spiced rice puffs with a hint of hot dog.
On a side note, Spain is known for its intense soccer culture, and I find it really funny that they also have soccer-ball shaped Cheetos. Whenever I make it to a game I'm totally going to cheer for Team Chester. Check it out:
this thoroughly entertained me. so i read it to my roommates and they all agree youre hilarious and awesome :) LOVE YOU