Monday, March 28, 2011

A Black Swan (and other unlikely events)

Yesterday I went to go see the Black Swan with my parents. I imagine the experience was much less awkward than if we had gone to see the name-mate movie.

I didn't know the dark colored bird actually existed, but Parque Buen Retiro proved to me that it does. My dad explained to me that "black swan" is a term used in the business world to describe an event that is extremely unlikely but freakishly happens more than probability would predict.

An example is the way the we by chance roamed around Madrid perfectly out of line with the clouds.  Amidst gray skies and fierce winds, we had lunch inside a bright cafe. Rain drops fell as we walked across the street to the park. But by the time we reached the garden, the sun came out, so we sat to "breathe Boxwoods" per Daddy Dolbow's request. The sky remained a brilliant blue as we explored the botanical gardens, then the clouds took back over the sky just as we were walking next door to the Prado Museum (during it's free admission hours might I add). After we finished looking at the 15 masterpieces list my mom found online, we emerged from the museum to find puddles on the ground and a blue sky once again. The weather was ideal for our stroll down Spanish streets to a vegetarian buffet.

Our schedule could not have possibly corresponded better with the sun's sporadic appearances. Our wonderfully-weathered walk around the parks and museums was my own personal version of a black swan that was actually a lot lighter than the name suggests.


  1. This sounds too perfect! It's been cloudy and cold all day in Athens, no matter what my activity was...sigh. I shall be shipping myself in a box for the remainder of your trip.

  2. wonderfully weathered walk...i LOVE alliteration :)

  3. My mom says shipping in a box may be more expensive that just buying an airplane ticket..she's looked into it.

    And always alliteration, amor :)
