More than anything else in Europe, I've become an expert in walking around churches and really not comprehending the history nor the architecture. Just today our group is visiting 10... yes, that's double digits... churches. My list by the time I go home will probably top 100 total. Despite my lack of cultural comprehension, I've compiled a list of aconsejos that would be helpful for any visit to an iglesia:
1. Bring a coat. Stones are cold, and holy edifices never fail to freeze those inside. If you insist on going during the winter (not recommended), I'd suggest bringing ear warmers, gloves, and some woolen socks.
2. Store sunglasses in their case, not on your head. Everything about religious life is focused on up -- towards the heavens. With elaborate ceilings and arches, you're bound to spend a lot of your time staring upwards with your mouth hanging open. And sunglasses atop one's head will consequently crash if not careful.
3. If you happen to enter during a time of mass or service, leave. Immediately.
4. Don't worry too much about taking pictures. There's an infinite number of impresionante things in every church, but there's something to be said for just soaking up the experience. A lot of the majesty and height can't be communicated via pictures. So though pictures are necessary souvenirs, don't forget to spend some time looking thru your own eyes instead of the lens.
5. If visiting a smaller church, perhaps one that says "NO TOURISTS," don't take out your city map to study when you sit in a pew. Not that anyone I know would ever do that or anything.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
A church can be a shelter for lost souls seeking direction...