Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Capri Relax

Here are a few things you probably didn't know about me: My favorite geometric shape is a circle; my favorite word is "exhilarating," and my favorite thing in nature is blue water.

So naturally spending the afternoon straight chillin in the brilliantly blue water surrounding the isle of Capri is like my own personal kind of heaven. Aunt Jan treated me to a four hour tour, with our own private boat.

We started off at the Blue Grotto -- a touristy cave filled with glowing water. It was beyond beautiful, and by a stroke of luck, we were the only boat in the whole grotto!

Right now we are floating around some of the more hidden grottos, soaking up sun and enjoying the breathtaking scenery. Antonio (our expert sailor) just threw down the anchor for a bit so he could nap. And so we could relax, obviously.

The weather could not be more perfect. The sky is crystal clear, and the sun is perfect-o. Pictures cannot communicate how amazing it is.

Needless to say, I picked the right travel buddy for this year's spring break.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

  1. I closed my eyes and i am right there on the boat with you ladies! Wow what a nice way to spend your day!
