Thursday, February 3, 2011

Vocabulary Lesson

I'm currently reviewing for my final exam in "Intensive Spanish" tomorrow, so I figured I'd share a few interesting phrases to help me study:
  • Que mono! -- How monkey! (Monkeys = cute. To be used when a friend is trying on shoes or when your madre brings home her grandson.)
  • Suburbio -- Ghetto. (When people ask where I'm from, do not say "un suburbio" de Atlanta.)
  • Él es como queso -- He is like cheese. (Used to describe a guy as super-sexy, i.e. Brad Pitt. Because who doesn't like cheese?)
  • Embarazosa -- Embarrassing. (Not to be confused with "embarazada," which means pregnant.)
  • Tenemos tiempo echar un quiqui? -- Do we have time for a quickie? (The correct response when a boy asks this is "I don't think so.")
  • Hacer footing -- To do footing. (How the Spaniards describe jogging. I guess that's an American concept?)
  • Patata! -- Potato! (What you say when taking pictures, instead of "cheeeese.")
  • Las criadillas -- The testicles of a bull. (Something not to order at el mercado.)
  • Las chocolatinas -- Little chocolates. (Used to describe men's abs. I like this terminology. Much more appetizing sounding than six pack.)
  • Te echo de menos -- I miss you. (Which is what I want to say to all of you!)


  1. I miss you too but i am so happy you are having this awesome experience! Love you!!

  2. wait thats so funny about the cheese thing! because i was looking up pet names today (im embarrassed to admit it, i dont want to talk about it haha i was just bored at work) and one of them was "cheese head" and it said you should call someone a cheese head that is really attractive and i was confused but i guess its a cross cultural thing! also, we need to start using que mono regularly!

  3. Awwww....te echo de menos!!!!I love you SOOOOO much!!!!! Mucho much!

  4. hahahah this is hilarious. They taught you about asking for a quickie? That's awkward. lolie. Te extraño muchísimo mi mejora amiga! Besos :)
