Monday, February 28, 2011

Who let the dogs out?

Dogs are extremely popular pets in España, but if you went into a pet store, you'd probably have a hard time locating leashes. That's because they don't use them here! And the dogs are surprisingly obedient. They casually stroll on the sidewalks and relax in the parks, many donning sweaters or tracksuits.. just like little humans. Despite their freedom to roam, I haven't been attacked or even chased by a single dog during a run. I haven't heard an owner so much as raise his/her voice towards a dog either. I do not understand how the dogs are so well-behaved.  They must know some secret about how to control their perros. If anyone is looking for a dog trainer, I highly recommend hiring a Spaniard.

Also, I am definitely no where near Spanish fluency, as to my horror today I realized I confirmed to the soccer coach that yes indeed, the United States is comprised of 36 states.  Oops.


  1. Laura, are there stray animals roaming the streets? do they have animal shelter near you? i wonder how good of a job they do on having their pets spayed and neutered? It might be fun to visit the shelter there and let a few dogs like your hand, it will make you feel right at home! I am sure they love visitors, Love you Aunt Denise

  2. Ah. The secret is revealed. Dogs only understand Spanish! They don't understand English.
